Chocolate Tale

In 1912, when Europe was going through the golden years of la belle epoque, Forrey & Galland haute couture chocolate house was created in Paris. Handcrafted Forrey & Galland confectioners, excellent in taste and quality, quickly gained popularity, as did two company stores in the most prestigious areas of Paris - on 124 Faubourg Saint Honore and Victor Hugo Ave 3. In 1998, Isabelle Joan and Vincent More brought back the Forrey & Galland traditions that were forgotten to proudly present today's gourmets delicious French chocolate and the world's best macaroons.

Sweet tooth in the UAE was lucky. Forrey & Galland chocolate factory was opened here in the mid-2000s, which today employs more than 50 professional confectioners. And with the opening of the Forrey & Galland chocolate boutique in 2008 in the Dubai Mall, the already sweet life turned into a real fairy tale. Forrey & Galland offers chocolate, macaroons with a wide variety of tastes and aromas, unique combinations of Arabian flavors and French traditions, luxurious sets and compositions of chocolate for weddings and large family celebrations. Among the most famous boutique collections besides chocolate are The Imperial Collection, The Marzipan Collection, The Pastries, The Nougats Collection, The Dates, The Cookies.

Once in it, you find yourself in a real chocolate tale in which tea and coffee, fruits and flowers, spices and caramel coexist peacefully. A grandiose crystal chandelier falls from a high ceiling with sparkling rain. The boutique offers a wide assortment of handmade tea sets, gifts and much more that can not only please the holiday, but also decorate life. Experienced sales consultants will help with the selection and beautifully make the purchase. But, most importantly, having glanced at Forrey & Galland and not even planning to buy anything, be sure that you will be sure to be treated to gorgeous chocolate candy or almond cookies to your taste. And then you will definitely want to come back ...

Watch the video: Choco-Tale S2 EP#8. (May 2024).