Soso Pavliashvili. One hundred faces of one talent

Interviewed: Sergey Tokarev. Photos: Maxim Shatrov

He is a real man. He was born and raised in Tbilisi. He is a professional violinist, he graduated from the Georgian Conservatory in violin. He is a singer, composer, actor, laureate of international music competitions: in Jurmala (Grand Prix, 1989), “Step to Parnassus” (1992) and the Baltic Music Festival in Sweden (2000). In 2005, he received the state award of the Russian Order of the Patron for sincerity and selflessness. He is a wonderful family man and a deeply religious person. Talking with him, you understand how real, sincere, loving and immensely talented he is ... Soso Pavliashvili attended a concert in Dubai and kindly agreed to answer some of our questions.

Good evening, Soso. I will start with a question that is traditional for visiting stars. How many times have you been to the Emirates, and do you like it in Dubai?

I am in Dubai for the second time. So I asked my friend Lechi (Lechi Altemirov, vice president of the Russian Emirates Publishing House approx. Ed.) Asked how many years it was all built here? And got an answer. For ten years! This is a fantastic country. What can I say. This is a space country. In my life there are two cities that amaze me all the time with their scope. Well, about Moscow, I will not say anything. But two cities are Dubai and Astana. Every time I come and just go crazy, not understanding how this is possible at all. You can copy each other, but how to build so high quality and fast ... For me this is a mystery.

Since we started talking about different cities and countries, tell me, in which country is your heart today?

My heart is always with me. The countries I visited keep my warmth. In one country my parents live, my relatives. Here Lechi knows all mine. And in another country, too, my dear people live - both large and small. I feel comfortable everywhere. Yes, there is some kind of misunderstanding between the countries today, but it always happens, and then it disappears. The man is so arranged, he is looking for some strange situations. There are many people who cannot accept that everything is fine. But one must live with it and take it philosophically.

In winter, God willing, we will go again to Bakuriani, where I will gather everyone at one table. I want this to become a family tradition, and I try so that we all get together and see each other for all family celebrations. Because years go by, and when I talk to all of mine, and they talk to me, this is the biggest holiday for me. It happened in my life. I live and work so that my family and friends feel good. I gave it my whole life, and these are not big words. I know that sooner or later, everything will connect again, and we will communicate with each other again, as before. I have in mind two countries - Russia and Georgia, between which the bridge of friendship and mutual understanding is constantly being destroyed. But there are still people, such as your humble servant, and there are many who hold on to each other. And it will be because we so want.

Soso, please tell me how and when did you decide to become a singer?

It happened, even to some extent unexpectedly for me. I just graduated from the Georgian Conservatory in violin, but from the first year I went into the army for two years. It was in the army that they gave me the opportunity to study music, and I discovered myself as a singer, although I had never thought before that I would ever start singing. Since I played the violin well, as a singer, composer and arranger, I created a group in the army, with which we successfully and often performed.

We know that your work is multifaceted. For example, you took part in television projects. What did it give you?

By and large, I did not participate in major television projects. On the First channel there was a feature film "Ice Age" in which I took part. I received great pleasure from participating in the Superstar project on the NTV channel. There were very creative people who made a holiday from these shootings. They carefully listened to and processed all my ideas. I took their view of the songs and the nature of the performance. In general, we have formed just a wonderful alliance. Therefore, I am very satisfied. Now, on the RTR channel, the project "Extend Your Life" has been launched, which is very necessary in my opinion, because it is simply necessary that our people come to their senses a little and extend their life themselves. After all, in fact, everything is in our hands.

Soso, what do you think is the main component of success for any artist - chance, talent, hard work?

I believe that with talent, a person should be born. The most important thing for an artist and for any other person is hard work. It’s not worth the chance to sit and wait, because if he does not suddenly come, then it turns out that a person does not need to work or what? But I know that in the fate of many people, chance played an important role.

Soso, are you a happy person?

Yes, I am a calm and happy person. In the morning, every time I rejoice that I woke up, and always regret falling asleep, and I no longer have time. I always thank God for living. The prayer "Our Father" is always with me.

What does family life mean to you?

Family life is what every person should strive for. This is its own flock. I emphasize, not a flock, but a flock. Each person, large or small, in this family should make his contribution. And even if it is a burden to someone, then all the same - this is a family. Therefore, it is important to remain a true family built on mutual respect. After all, sometimes people tend to stay together for some kind of commitment. For this, believe me, living together is not worth it. It’s better to scatter in time so that both time and strength remain to create something else. At the same time, it is important to try to ensure that children are least affected, it is necessary to protect them as much as possible. And most importantly, the family should not have a lie. If people lie to each other, everything collapses ...

How often do you manage to spend time with your family, and how do you like to spend your free time?

I have two daughters and a son who is now 22 years old. I am a happy husband and father, and I try to spend my time with my family as much as possible. Sometimes I do it.

You said that you like to gather your friends and relatives at the same table on holidays. What holidays do you like most in your family?

All, probably. Idlenicknames have holidays. Birthdays, New Year, Christmas. We are just going to the Old New Year, and this is already a holiday. In Moscow, when everyone has crazy work schedules, these terrible traffic jams, sometimes you just won’t get to the man. Therefore, it is very difficult to meet. And when we manage to get together, infrequently, of course, but we slip like trout between the stones and gather, then this is a great joy. We always know that we have each other, that’s the most important thing.

As soon as evening comes, I always try to run home to catch my girls still awake, to stay with them longer. When you are drawn home - it is a holiday. After all, you can roll up feasts and set tables every day, but at the same time be an absolutely unhappy person. But when you know that guests and people close to you can come to your house, and they are pleased to be in your house, because they see how happy you are, this is a holiday. We now do not even need any special reasons for the holidays. The opportunity to be with family and friends is God's gift.

Soso, your daughters are still small, but would you like your son to follow in his father's footsteps and become a musician?

In the footsteps of his father, he must go and become a decent person. As for the profession, my son graduated from the Suvorov School, and now studies at the Military Construction University of the Special Construction of Russia. He has his own way, but he is a guy to rely on.

Please tell me what qualities, in your opinion, should a real man have?

First of all, they must believe him. Man and man must be trusted. Everyone should know that a man thought well before starting to say something. Of course, there are different situations when something may not grow together, but force majeure circumstances are not always in our lives. A man must be the master of his word.

Please recall the happiest event that has occurred recently in your life.

The last time ... I have a happy every morning. And I tell you this quite frankly. Every morning, when you wake up and hear: "Ku-ku!". This means that our little one woke up and begins to wake everyone. She is now a year and a half. Then Lisa wakes up after her, comes and also gets into our bed. So, along with my three favorite girls, I meet a happy morning every day. Can anything be better? And when Levon’s son comes to a dismissal and joins us on the weekend, then happiness becomes even greater.

Thank you for the conversation, Soso, and for the wonderful concert. We are always glad to see you in Dubai. God grant that all loved ones bring you only joy.

Thanks to your magazine, which brings people together here and does not make them feel that they are abroad. It is very important. I want to wish all of you and your readers that no one will leave this life ahead of time. When God calls us, then you need to leave. Love you, health and happiness.

Watch the video: Новая волна - 2019. Юбилей Сосо Павлиашвили (May 2024).