The snake of your sign


The almost mystical property of snakes to shed their skin is projected onto us now. All last year we have been preparing for the fact that by 2013 everything will turn upside down. Survived at the expense of fashion asexuality and apocalypticism, searched for uniqueness among the mass market, cited classics and strived for a new one, monitored personnel shifts in fashion houses, buried and resurrected haute couture. In 2013, everything, having changed, will fall into place.

“I love fashion to go out, but I don’t allow it to come from there,” Coco Chanel said.

In 2012, outfits worthy of the royal wardrobe took to the street: peplum skirts, jacquard fabrics, dresses flown with flounces. In the new 2013, we will strive for simplicity and mobility, choose between black and white. The concept of total look will finally come back to us, and with the same zeal, as we were recently looking for a formula for combining three colors, we will violently select a gray sweater to a gray skirt to look good against a gray wall. We are waiting for serious changes in the field of self-identification. In the year of the snake, the constant debate between romance and masculinity will end in eclectic parity - we will be more casual about the dress code, choosing a wardrobe for ourselves and not for trends.

ARIES/ Many Aries at the very beginning of the year will be determined to radically change something - work, environment and themselves. Plans will receive a new round in January. There will be many secrets and intrigues in February. In March, make plans and watch what people and ideas are attracted to you and what they are calling you to. On this basis, events will develop in April and May. June is good for both work and leisure. In July, past mistakes and deficiencies will make you plunge into restoring order. In August, more enjoyable variety and entertainment will appear in your life. In September, you will experience in your own experience that you need to devote more time to love and other relationships. In October, your analytical skills will be on top. In early November, use the accumulated experience and all your wisdom to understand why some life exams have to be taken twice. In December, you have to make a new choice under the influence of external circumstances / Aries

TAURUS / Life can make an unexpected zigzag right after the New Year. Do not stay too long at the festive table, try your hand at a new field. The beginning of February will bring a change in romantic moods. From the end of March, wait for stunning news and pressure from people who are not indifferent to you for one reason or another. In April you will have to act in an unusual rhythm. In May, you will either appreciate the benefits of inaction when everything you need finds you, or subject your life to a major upheaval. In June, vacation will be successful. In July, you will want a beautiful life. Have fun, flirt, but keep your secrets to yourself. In August, you will need more caution, especially in love affairs and financial affairs. In September, requirements for beauty and comfort will increase. In October, any injustice will be sharply felt - in the distribution of duties, profits, additional burden. November is the time for reviewing contracts and schemes in business relationships. It is advisable to turn things over and take stock of the year until December 20 / TAURUS

TWINS / This is your year, Gemini! Jupiter, who will spend the first half of the year in your sign, will have a beneficial effect on the course of current affairs, and will help lay the foundation for a major life project for the next 12 years. From January, your thoughts and actions will gain clarity and lightness. In February, it is best to engage in theoretical preparation of future affairs and strengthening emotional ties. In late March - early April, you have to develop energy-consuming activity. The main thing - do not lose your head. In May, your dreams will receive the power of realization. Interesting events will unfold in June. In July, you will feel fatigued by the too rapid development of events and the need to make the house a place of solitude and personal creativity. August will fill your life with romance, excitement, new hobbies, but do not expect to evade work. In September, you will only be interested in quality items. In October, all the developments of the current year will find the "assembly point". In November, even your cheerful nature can be covered by depression, and work will be the only salvation in this "dark" time of the year. In December, public interests will be more important than personal ones for you. Do not rush into the embrasure, but do not relax at the end of the year / Gemini

CRAYFISH / Crayfish is your year too! No matter how much you want constancy and stability, this year will force you to set sail for a new island of prosperity. January try to decide on a support group, form a circle of like-minded people. In February, you will be generous and capable of reckless actions. In late March and early April, a powerful impulse of personal initiative can change your professional destiny. In May, impulsiveness will give way to calm judiciousness. In June, there may be problems in the house and with relatives, conflicts in which you will feel that you are right. In July, get ready to start the game according to the new rules, and use this one for your vacation. In August, you will be inspired and tempted to take risks more than usual. In September, caution and sanity will return to you. In October, relationships and creative plans will survive difficult times. In November, you will already be easier to revise the old principles and attitudes if you realize that they are of little use. In December, try to get together and summarize your achievements / CANCER

A LION / 2013 promises Leo an expansion of authority, increased influence in the groups and collectives where they work, relax or realize their hobbies. Your popularity will increase, and with it - the chances of new life-changing meetings and the expansion of social horizons. The first half of the year is favorable for study and self-education, travel, travel, the realization of your interests abroad. Perhaps you decide to give some kind of relationship a new status or form, redistribute the responsibilities and sort the relationships according to the degree of their importance in your life. During the year, you will encounter original people and situations that will have a liberating effect on your lifestyle and become a source of new ideas for the year ahead / LEO

VIRGO / If you dreamed of a change, the first half of 2013 will give you a chance to try your hand at a new field. Even if you are satisfied with your work, do not refuse to work part-time elsewhere, courses, trainings and business trips. Interest in many things at once will excite your nervous system. The rule for this year is to finish one thing before starting a new one. You will be attracted to older people and with experience. The search for a source of wisdom, valuable information implies expanding the circle of communication, participating in the life of different groups. Partner support and help will come when you need it most. It is also a time of experimentation and the search for new ways of self-realization. Very bright period in sexual relations / VIRGO

LIBRA / Theme of the year number one is cash control and the search for new income options. Until June, you can connect your success with distant foreign countries - commercial activities, business trips, leisure. Someone will arrange their personal life in this way. You do not need to do anything except to recognize your chance in time and accept the gift. Throughout the year, there are moments that go beyond the ordinary. A kind of cleansing and updating in a relationship, reloading plans for a year. If you make the choice correctly, then almost immediately notice a surge of energy and a favorable combination of circumstances / Libra

SCORPIO / 2013 for the Scorpions will be held under the sign of Saturn. Get ready for big projects, momentous changes and thoughts on the meaning of life. Fate will put someone in a tight framework, subject to restrictions, and force them to engage in global cleansing processes, both in relation to their body and the surrounding space. And he will make someone a leader of circumstances, a savior, set a new global goal, perhaps not for one year, make him risk it and become reliable, but all these changes will be dictated not by whim, but by necessity. / Scorpio

SAGITTARIUS / Devote the coming year to partnerships. In January, be choosy when deciding who to deal with and what to do. February will direct attention to unexpected things. The end of March - the beginning of April is preparing for you a powerful energy boost, flashes of ingenuity and renewal of romantic hopes. In the last days of May, several new opportunities will open at once. Keep the quiver of arrows ready - and some kind of "hare" will definitely be yours. In June, new connections can be verified in practice. Delays are possible in current affairs in July, but there will be interest in more global projects. August is a wonderful month for a vacation if you plan to spend it away from home. In September, use every opportunity for the benefit of your career prospects. October will rigidly raise the issue of economy. In November, it is better to reduce the load, but do not leave important matters unattended. December will provide a new front line of work and return to you the usual confidence and luck / SAGITTARIUS

CAPRICORN / The cardinal changes that you encountered in 2012 have not ended. You have yet another year of global restructuring, after which you will take a new path, freeing yourself from the burden of things that have lost their value, and aiming at new guidelines. In the first half of the year you have a lot of work to do in your home world and family relationships. For many Capricorns, this will be due to a change in family status, family composition and housing issues. In the second half of the year, wait for the influx of new ideas and expand your interests. The financial issue should be at the center of any topic and event. In addition, this is a great time to make your home beautiful and cozy and streamline relationships with loved ones / Capricorn

AQUARIUS / January will be marked by high efficiency. It is desirable to add responsibility and the ability to choose the most important to it. In February, the first week is the most promising. She promises luck to both romantics and pragmatists. Big changes are expected in late March. In April, fateful events, or at least important news for you, are possible. In May, it will be possible to slow down and pay more attention to home, loved ones and personal hobbies. By June, your career prospects should go through a comprehensive assessment process. In July, it’s good to take a vacation and realize some old dreams. At the end of August, do not take risks without the need. In September, you have more to do with the formal side of business relationships, contracts and debts, than ever. In October, any activity will require a lot of effort, but difficulties will improve your relationship with friends and colleagues. In November, any cleansing, cleaning, reconstruction will go to cheers. In December, the first half of the month has great potential. On New Year's Eve, it is better to be in a familiar place, to think over your victories, defeats and new plans / Aquarius

FISH / In the first half of the year, the house and family will be in the first place for you. In January, be prepared for changes in the team, career changes. March will strengthen your influence in all situations. In fact, March and April are the key months of the year for you. In May, it’s good to learn something new, to systematize previously accumulated knowledge, to find its scope. From June and a year ahead, your luck in love and creativity rises. In July, it is best to relax at home and gather friends on your territory. In August, you will want change and adventure. In September, more pragmatism will appear in business and personal relationships. In October, try your luck away from home. In November, life may put a new burden on you, but it is better to find a business of your own free will, which has long been waiting in the wings. In December, at the end of the year, personnel changes at work are possible. New Year holidays will not bring respite. Use them to update plans and important decisions / PISCES

Watch the video: 2019 Animal Sign Forecast: SNAKE Joey Yap (July 2024).