Paradise for sinners

"I know there are edges - go around, look, try.
There is such land, there is such grass
And forests, as in those places anywhere, brother, are not mentioned at all.
There is water in the lakes, like God's dew,
Stars sparkle with diamonds there and fall into the mountains.
I’d go there, only where would I get a ticket. "
/ G. Sukachev /

In the beginning there was wine
In the early morning, when the sun was playfully breaking through the crowns of the trees of the coastal hotel, a detachment of tourists who had not yet had time to cool off from city worries was going on a mountain trip. A cheerful Adyghe on “UAZ”, similar to Valerchik from the movie “Savages”, lured a team of girls into his “jeep”. On bumps shook. But, clinging to the pieces of iron of an unreliable-looking machine, we tried to break ahead and overtake the convoy. Which, of course, is said too loudly - racing with us raced four of the same clunkers. It was necessary to catch the place first, then, with knowledge of the matter, to give recommendations to new arrivals. We were in a hurry for a wine tasting!
The historical familiarization program that happened on the road went almost unnoticed. Moreover, the guide knew no more than ours about the heritage of his land, and together with tourists he hypothesized the purpose of the ancient stone structures - dolmens. Someone spoke of burials, but then, why is this hole in the middle, if the stone well is still covered with a slab from above? Someone assumed the existence of the gnomes who lived there. This mysterious "house" reminded me of an ordinary grocery store, all the more so because it was pretty cool inside, despite the already beginning midday heat. But wasn’t it easier then to dig a real cellar and put it with pebbles from the inside so that it would not leak, than to drag these multi-ton stone slabs? Maybe our readers have their own version of the origin of dolmens? It would be interesting to know ...
So, with jokes and jokes about the ancient funeral structures, we got to the main point of our destination. On a long table in the courtyard of a private house there were already lined up in rows, waiting for us, numerous bottles with funny names. For some reason, the wine "Tears of a Man" was especially remembered. Unfortunately, after testing already the sixth or seventh grade, to determine which one was liked more, it became increasingly difficult. Explanatory notes on the taste qualities of the presented wines helped, which later guided us, choosing what to take with us on the road. Many men, frightened by the difficulty of choice, settled on local vodka and cognac.

"Repent, Ivanitch, you will have a discount!"
Or wash yourself. In the scorching-icy jets of the waterfall, they say, all sins are washed away. You especially believe in this after a wine tasting and tiresome shaking off-road. At least, all the fatigue and worries from the "past" life disappear instantly in an unknown direction. Having covered myself with "goosebumps" in cold water, I bask in the sun - it is full of fresh energy and love for the world around us! Having become infected with a positive, everyone decides to repeat my feat, and now even the most respectable and gloomy people from the group of companions, with a squeal and joyful "ears", jump into cold water. Our guides, the hot mountaineers, staged a risky show with a dive "on the head" in a place completely inappropriate for this, where huge boulders make the pond extremely narrow, and the rocky bottom is very close! I wanted to kill these extremes in advance, so as not to wait until they break their heads.
Fortunately, everything ended happily, safe and sound, satisfied with themselves guys began to collect us in cars. However, a special invitation was not required - the earnest appetite drove in such a way that we galloped up to the stones to our UAZ, like mountain goats.

Do not catch - do not sing
Or "without labor, you can’t catch a fish from a pond either." Especially when you really want to get fish out of the pond with a butterfly net is almost impossible! But just such a condition was set upon arrival at a cozy private restaurant, lost in the mountains. We handed the net so that we ourselves could get food from a special reservoir. Having scoffed at hungry tourists, the owners themselves caught several trout, just to boast of their dexterity. As it turned out, a simple but unusually tasty lunch of fish, barbecue and local dishes was already ready. In the shadow of the spreading trees, under the chirping of birds, watching the dog peacefully strolling around the hives, we finally absorbed the long-awaited food ... Enjoyment!
About the benefits of love
After stress and stressful everyday life, you suddenly notice for yourself that in a topic and not in a topic, you start rushing at people. It's time to isolate you from society. They say dolphins help the mentally ill to return to it, without much danger to the environment.
At the hotel where I stayed, there was a dolphinarium. How was it not to visit these smart and kind animals? There you could swim, play ball with dolphins and watch a fascinating performance, with the participation of other "artists" - fur seals, seals and walruses. I just fell in love with one such artist! And, it seems, mutually - he did not leave me a step away and all climbed to kiss.
On the same day, my friends and relatives noted the positive effect of "dolphin therapy". Or maybe it was the rush of love endorphins that affected me?

"I will never return here again"
The next day, clouds puffed the sky, and in the evening a small nasty rain began to drip. But there was no wind, and the sea remained warm .... Have you tried swimming at night? When does the water of the Black Sea seem really black, overflowing with lead from the moonlight? Silence is broken only by the noise of waves swirling near shiny pebbles, and I don’t feel like talking at all.
We sit on the shore and each is silent about his own. Tomorrow everyone will return home - someone to Moscow, someone to the Emirates, where a routine of working days awaits. We will be planning our next vacation again. Really go to the sea again in the summer? Or maybe try something more original? It seems that on the Sochi beaches I know every grain of sand - as a child, as a family, we came here every year. I am no longer impressed, like a child once, by the rainbow musical fountain in the city, and this time I did not find the funny fluffy squirrels that we once hand fed with hazelnuts in the Riviera park.
But I rummage in pockets of clothes thrown on wet stones to get coins and toss them as far as possible into the sea ...

/ Irina Ivanova /

I thank the general director of the resort "Starfish", p. Lazarevskoye, for the provided accommodation and hospitality.

Watch the video: Sinners in Paradise 1938 ADVENTURE (July 2024).