Three women from the UAE sue for the right to change their gender and names

The Abu Dhabi court rejected three emirate women to change their gender and name.

Three young women, all 25 years old, appealed the decision of the UAE court, according to which their request for a change of gender and name was earlier rejected.

Women wanted to change their gender and female surnames in the state national registry.

It is reported that the plaintiffs conducted sex reassignment operations abroad.

The court rejected their request and denied them permission to change their gender. The Federal Court of Appeal has begun proceedings in their case.

Their lawyer, Ali Abdullah al-Mansouri, in a court of appeal, argued that the local medical committee, appointed by the first court to issue a medical opinion on the right to sex, admitted in a report that women suffer from sexual dysfunctions. According to Al-Mansouri, they feel like men from an early age, and failure of the court can affect them and lead to depression.

Women submitted court documents and medical reports from European hospitals that recommended gender reassignment surgery.

Al-Mansouri previously said that his clients had characteristic male features, including thick hair and low voices.

Federal Law No. 4 of 2016 allows gender reassignment surgery if a person’s gender is unclear or if a medical examination confirms that his physical characteristics do not correspond to biological, physiological and genetic characteristics.

The trial was adjourned until March.

Watch the video: 11 Prohibitions for Saudi Arabia Women That Are Hard to Believe (May 2024).